Oct 15, 2021
Dr. Brian Callahan, AD2BA, has a background in music, anthropology, Japanese video arcade games and open source software leading him to amateur radio and his Extra Class license. As a new and younger ham, as well as a college professor to younger potential hams, AD2BA shares his experience and insight on how we might...
Apr 23, 2021
Peter Shilton, VE7PS, became a lifelong chaser of meteor scatter and EME contacts because of a very early acquisition of a Drake receiver and a transverter, at the beginning of his ham radio career. VE7PS tells this story in our QSO Today.
Apr 9, 2021
Dan Marler, K7REX, owes much of his professional opportunities and success to his amateur radio background. A people person, K7REX, likes to give back to the amateur radio community as an ARRL Section Manager and founder of the RATPAC, a group that does not include Sammy, Dean, and Frank. Dan tells his ham radio story...
Aug 23, 2019
Gordon West, “Gordo”WB6NOA, may be one of ham radio’s most well known ambassadors and promoters of our amateur radio hobby today. Through his books and courses over the years, Gordo, has licensed thousands of individuals to become amateur radio operators. Gordo tells me that this is the first time that he has...
Jun 29, 2019
Steven Bible, N7HPR, made a career in the US Navy, spending almost two years under water on the Trident submarine. Steve is a long time contributor to TAPR, the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Corporation, perhaps amateur radio's "Bell Labs". Steve and I discuss his ham radio storym the developments of TAPR, and TAPRs...