Aug 26, 2016
Tony Brock-Fisher, K1KP, is a frequent contributor to both QST and CQ Magazine, and he enjoys a well rounded amateur radio operation. Tony always take a deep dive approach to any of his ham radio projects including rebuilding old gear, redesigning his 40 meter beam, or reducing the noise from his new solar electric...
Aug 19, 2016
Since 2001, Bill Sexton, N1IN has been the public relations officer of US Army MARS, one of the oldest collaborations between the Amateur Radio Service and the US Government. Now over ninety years of age, MARS is using cutting edge technology in the HF bands to become even more relevant in a time of national emergency....
Aug 11, 2016
Bob Leo, W7LR, began his ham radio journey in the 1930s as a kid growing up in California. He went on to become a member of the first commercial DXpedition to Africa and later a co-founder of the Amateur radio club of Thailand. Bob had a rich career as an electrical engineer and Professor of Electrical Engineering at...
Aug 6, 2016
When it comes to understanding how antennas really work, then the “go to” ham is Bob Zavrel, W7SX, author of the ARRL book, Antenna Physics - An Introduction. Through this book, Bob bridges the gap between “how to” antenna books, and calculus based antenna theory books for engineers. Bob has a long resume in...