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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

Aug 26, 2022

Bill Jordan’s, AE4S, love of electronics and radio paralleled his professional career as college professor. As a founding member of the Tallahassee Amateur Radio Society and the AE4S repeater, Bill is connected and communicates with the lifelong friends he has made through ham radio.  AE4S tells his ham radio story in...

Aug 20, 2022

Joe Long, WA2EJT, has been a frequent contributor to ham radio magazines for decades including 73 and Electric Radio magazine.  Joe loves vintage military transmitters and receivers as well as the best tube type rigs.  Like many hams of his generation he was early into computers, PCs, and programming where his knowledge...

Aug 13, 2022

While many of us "old timers" may think we know what drives youth interest in amateur radio, a discussion with Conner Black, W4IPC, and CJ Pokowitz, WW0CJ, today's amateur radio youth leaders, may lead us to believe that old timer "value propositions" for ham radio do not resonate with today's youth.  Join Eric and...

Aug 6, 2022

Richard Bateman, KD7BBC, smitten by computers and programming from an early age, used this talent to solve problems.  Combined with an interest in amateur radio, driven by his family, Richard developed Exam Tools amateur radio testing software now used by the majority of volunteer examiners today.  The Covid Pandemic...