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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

May 25, 2018

Adam Farson, VA7OJ and AB4OJ, began his ham radio journey over 60 years ago as a youngster inspired by electronics and eventually ham radio in his native South Africa.  Pursuing a career in the broad science that surrounds telephony World wide, Adam has adapted telephony methods and test equipment to evaluate amateur...

May 18, 2018

Dr. Jack Mandelman is on the short list for holding the most patents, over 700 Worldwide, in the area of semiconductor physics, while at the same time a successful ham radio operator working DX and CW.  Now in the middle of a QTH move, Jack is exploring satellite communications and DMR. K1VT shares his ham radio story...

May 11, 2018

From his QTH in Rio De Janeiro, Alex Grimberg, PY1AHD, has mastered the art of the portable magnetic loop antennas for QRP use in the field. This interest, generated from his need for a light and portable antenna, has blossomed into the Alexloop antenna business.  Now Alex travels the ham radio World showing off his...

May 5, 2018

Jim Millner, WB2REM, has traveled and operated amateur radio in 72 countries including Cuba and Guantanamo Bay.  He also operates his station by remote control, taking advantage of his prime Florida location with his excellent antenna arrays.  Jim shares his amateur radio story and his remote control insight in this QSO...