Nov 30, 2019
This week I joined Denny Johnson, K5DCC, in his Digicomm Cafe, the name of his amateur radio podcast, where he has a ham radio guest almost every night to discuss our hobby. Denny invited me to a conversation over virtual coffee about our lives, both ham radio and personal. This show is “off the rails” from the...
Nov 23, 2019
Clark Stewart, W8TN, started in amateur radio over 55 years ago, has worked every country but North Korea. He began working EME or moon bounce on two and six meters years ago making CW contacts. Clark is the consummate amateur radio mentor and was awarded the outstanding West Virginia Amateur of the Year in 2015. W8TN...
Nov 16, 2019
Kate Hutton, K6HTN, a retired Seismologist at CalTech in Pasadena, California, discovered CW, CWOPS, and passing traffic through the National Traffic System. Kate would agree that amateur radio is a great way to spend time and that getting on the air with NTS is the best way to hone operating skills and to be ready for...
Nov 10, 2019
Bob Logan, NZ5A, enjoys the simple pleasures of exploring new modes as well as mastering old modes, as well as ultra-low frequency bands. Bob is a collector and restorer of old ham radio gear and old broadcast radios. Bob reminds us that we hams are a com
Nov 2, 2019
Andrew Barron, ZL3DW, is an active ham, loves to discover what’s new in ham radio, and is the author of four amateur radio books, one on SDR or software defined radio, and 3 user guides on the latest Icom transceivers. In addition, we discuss the Russian Sputnik ham satellites and amateur radio’s diversity in this...