Oct 27, 2018
After running maritime mobile from his 40 foot sailboat for many years, Arnold Ziegel, W2HDI, switched to power boats and all of the challenges to amateur radio brought on by the new boat. Not deterred by these challenges, W2HDI discovered remote control operation, over the Internet, from his new boat. We dive deeper...
Oct 20, 2018
While exposed to amateur radio at an early age, it was not until Mark Rosenberg, 4X1KS, got his first license and upgraded quickly within a few short months, in Memphis, Tennessee. In Memphis, Robert Barbee, W4AMI, became Mark’s ham radio mentor driving Mark to satellite excellence. Now in Israel, Mark is active in...
Oct 13, 2018
Ken Oelke, VE6AFO, stepped up to the plate for his local amateur radio club and ended up making leadership in local and national Canadian amateur radio organizations the major focus of his ham radio activity. Ken is now the president of the QCWA, the Quarter Century Wireless Association, when not operating both CW and...
Oct 6, 2018
Stephen Hicks, N5AC, is vice president of engineering for Flex Radio, is deep in to SDR or software defined radio, likes to chase grid squares in his microwave rover, and observes the growth and trends in our amazing amateur radio hobby. From Steve’s position on the cutting edge of technology, he has a lot to say in...