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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

Jan 30, 2021

Jerry Weisskohl, AC4BT, always had a love of radio and short wave listening.  He got a late start in amateur radio but thinks that the art and practice of CW, or Morse code, is exactly what quiets and relaxes the mind after an engaging day as a computer scientist.  AC4BT has taken lead roles with CWops and CW Academy...

Jan 23, 2021

Peter Butler, W1UU’s ham radio journey began with the purchase of a J38 code key and a trip to the library.  Sputnik inspired Peter to a career in microwave engineering reinforced by this ham radio interest.  Peter is the Vice President of CWops and actively involved in sharing his love for CW and good operating...

Jan 16, 2021

Mel Swanberg, WA6JBD, has a love of radio that goes back to his childhood.  Growing up in Southern California, Mel found his Elmers and Mentors that led him into a career in the land mobile business  and public safety radio.  Mel is the former president of the Cactus Intertie, perhaps the largest point to point full...

Jan 9, 2021

Clint Turner, KA7OEI, is an experimenter, builder, and operator on all bands and modes.  He shares his background in microwave communications, EME or Moonbounce, and his involvement in the Northern Utah Web SDR Project, an amazing on-line resource hams who want to listen to all of the lowbands with waterfall display at...

Jan 2, 2021

Tim Deagan, KJ8U, loves to build just about anything to try out a new tool, and he has an amazing assortment of tools to support his construction of amateur radio antennas as well as Burning Man like propane powered visual displays.  KJ8U is a maker, and since ham radio operators were the original makers, Tim’s...