Apr 24, 2020
Don Banta, K5DB, is a ham’s ham, because of his generous nature, his contributions to the local ham community and his being ready to mentor any amateur or would-be amateur that needs help. Don is the organizer of the Arkansas QSO Party, active in 80 meter nets, and likes to work DX. K5DB is my QSO...
Apr 17, 2020
Paul Taylor, VK3HN, loves to operate QRP, SOTA, or Summits on the Air, with his homebrew pocket-sized multi-band transceivers that he designs and builds in his home workshop. Paul enjoys a weekly 160 meter AM net using his homebrew 200 watt solid-state AM transmitter. VK3HN is my QSO Today.
Apr 10, 2020
Sam Birnbaum, W2JDB, has a background in computer science and programming that led him to first develop a software logging program called QLog for operating and logging the digital modes more easily while doing National parks on the air. Sam’s enhancements to QLog now allow blind ham operators to work...
Apr 3, 2020
Charlie Morris, ZL2CTM, builds his QRP rigs, the old fashioned way, starting with a paper and pencil, combining basic components to make each stage of a receiver or transceiver. Once the radio is made, he adds an Arduino micro-controller, touch screen, and other advanced components to bring his masterpiece into the...