Jul 29, 2016
Dick Stroud, W9SR, took his first ham radio test in 1938 that began a ham radio and professional journey as an electronic engineer. This journey, over 75 years, included witnessing the hydrogen bomb tests in the 1950, a successful engineering career, and numerous contributions to the amateur radio hobby of articles on...
Jul 23, 2016
Rich Holoch, KY6R, is an avid DXer and needs only two more entities to get to the top of the DX Honor Roll. As the Sunspot cycle fades into memory, you will find Rich on 160 meters with his phased loop receiving antennas and a strategy for operation out of a difficult HF location by using HFTA, or High Frequency...
Jul 16, 2016
Rex Harper, W1REX, became an amateur radio operator from his early memories of radio as a kid and his desire to do electronics as a hobby. His love for QRP and later QRP kit building came from wanting to build electronic devices in an evening or two that just worked. Rex shares his ham radio story and the development...
Jul 8, 2016
Graham Firth, G3MFJ, joined our amateur radio hobby almost sixty years ago as a kid growing up in Yorkshire, England. Electronics and electronics building was the driver and is still Graham's first love in the hobby. QRP was the natural choice of this builder and a way to avoid television interference to his...
Jul 1, 2016
After over 50 years in amateur radio, the hobby still gives Ned Stearns, AA7A, a new challenge every day. Ned has operated every mode on every band during his ham radio career, and currently operates EME or moon bounce on two meters. As a long time DXer, Ned recently returned from the South Sandwich Islands as a...