Apr 28, 2017
Roy Lewallen, W7EL, approaches ham radio from an engineering and even scientific point of view. Roy is the creator of EZNEC, the popular antenna modeling software, and the author of many articles on radio and transceiver design, baluns, antennas, and inductors. His contributions to the amateur radio hobby and...
Apr 22, 2017
George Fremin, K5TR, is a seasoned SO2R contester and DXer. He has many years of experience building and maintaining multi operator contest stations in Texas. This experience with both operating the contest events as well as the practical maintenance of these stations led to an important conversation about tower...
Apr 15, 2017
Paul Stroud, AA4XX, went from being a QRO, high power operator, to a QRP operator, testing the bottom limits of power output to distance. Paul approaches ham radio now, as almost a meditative experience, where he operates from his solar powered ham shack deep in the woods near his house, under his wire antennas. Paul...
Apr 7, 2017
Richard Gillette, W9PE, is the consummate ham radio operator and mentor, IEEE speaker, and frequent contributor to our amateur radio hobby from his many articles in the ham radio magazines. His own website, w9pe.us, is an amazing resource, including his Excel based test equipment simulator for anyone wanting to teach...