Apr 25, 2019
George Misic, KE8RN, is an RF and analog engineer by training, a collector of vintage American amateur radio equipment, and an early pioneer in the development of MRI or magnetic resonance imaging machines and whose name is on 38 patents around this technology. George is a frequent author of articles for QST and...
Apr 19, 2019
Jack Worth, WA0QZK, is a retired pastor with over 50 years of amateur radio operating experience who likes to QSO on CW from the Warsaw Telegraph Office. Jack collects and restores antique Morse code telegraph keys and bugs and uses them to work the World and ragchew on QRP and a modified G5RV antenna. WA0QZK is my QSO...
Apr 13, 2019
Joe Everhart, N2CX, is well known is QRP circles for his technical contributions and articles in the ham radio magazines. Along with George Heron, N2APB, my guest in Episode 151, of the QSO Today podcast, they produce a live talk show called Chat with the Designers, as well as present at the QRP Event, four days in...
Apr 5, 2019
Howard Bernstein is the co-founder of the Long Island CW Club along with Rich Collins K2UPS, where they train amateurs of every age to be CW operators over Zoom video conferencing. Howard has a long history in ham radio extending back over 50 years. WB2UZE still has his first Drake line and is a collector of vintage...