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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

May 31, 2024

Ian Kahn, NV4C, with the encouragement of his father in law joined the amateur radio ranks in his mid-thirties.  He hit the ground running, operating on his local club’s repeater and involving himself in the North Fulton Amateur Radio League to aid its resurgence the the introduction of new programs attracting new...

May 24, 2024

Todd McKenney, KN4TPG, found his way into amateur radio through a teenager’s deep dive into YouTube and discovering  meteorological balloon launches leading to Bill Brown WB8ELK and Pico Ballooning. Todd’s entry into ham radio may be the key to attracting young people into amateur radio by using our hobby as a tool...

May 17, 2024

Louis Hammer, 4Z5OT, is a good friend here in Israel and has taken outdoor and park operations to a new level.  Faced with antenna challenges and inflexible neighbors at home, operating events, like lighthouses on the air, and other portable operations has opened new opportunities for Louis to be active, gain...

May 10, 2024

Ron Hranac, N0IVN, is not only a long time ham radio operator but a 50 year pioneer in the cable television industry, author of hundreds of articles and presentations for the Society of Cable Television Engineers.  We discuss the crossover of amateur radio and cable television technology, interference to amateur radio...

May 4, 2024

Hiroki Kato, AH6CY, was born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan, 20 miles from the epicenter of the atomic bomb blast in August 1945 that killed approximately 100,000 Japanese.  Hiroki was fascinated with radio as a youngster and was first licensed in Japan.  After moving to the USA, Hiroki continued to pursue amateur radio...