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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio

Jan 31, 2020

Fred Schramm, K2HA, visited Israel a few weeks ago and contacted me to meet with him in Jerusalem.  Howard, 4X1ZZ, and I visited Fred at his hotel and recorded this interview with him. Fred tells his ham radio story, his life in Fairbanks, Alaska, and his thoughts on keeping old hams connected when they can no longer...

Jan 25, 2020

Michael, Mike, Foerster, W0IH, loves to ragchew with his friends on 80 meters in the evening.  Mike is a frequent contributor to QST magazine including articles on finding and solving electronic noise problems  and remote control of your HF station while on the road. We also discuss his broadband adjustable 80 meter...

Jan 18, 2020

George Byrkit, K9TRV, was first licensed in 1966, in Madison, Wisconsin.  He returned to amateur radio as a licensee many years after letting that Novice license expire.  George has since jumped back into amateur radio with both feet that include a board position in TAPR, projects in TAPR, including software...

Jan 10, 2020

Michael, Mike, Murphy, WU2D, separates his professional and his personal radio and electronics life by building, using, and working with vintage radios made no later than the early 1960s. As a collector and builder of old time and military surplus radios,

Jan 2, 2020

Ward Silver, N0AX, author of the QST magazine column, ·Hands-On Radio·, editor of ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, and author of many books on ham radio joins Eric, 4Z1UG, in his QSO Today. In the podcast, Ward describes his ham radio beginnings